The Leader of the County Council is required to publish a forward plan setting out matters which the Leader believes will be the subject of a key decision by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet member or officer in the period covered by the Plan (the subsequent four months). The Council’s Constitution states that a key decision is one that involves
(a) expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the expenditure of the County Council’s budget, namely above £500,000 per annum; or
(b) is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.
As a matter of good practice, the Council's Forward Plan includes other items in addition to key decisions that are to be considered by the Cabinet/individual members. This additional information is provided to inform local residents of all matters to be considered, with the exception of issues which are dealt with under the urgency provisions. Only key decisions to be taken by officers are included.
For each decision included on the Plan the following information is provided:
- the name of the individual or body that is to make the decision and the date of the meeting or relevant time period for an officer decision
- the title of the report and decision to be considered
- groups that will be consulted prior to the decision being taken
- a list of documents that will be considered when making the decision
- the name and telephone number of the contact officer for each item.
The Plan is updated and published every month on the Council’s website two weeks before the start of the period to be covered.
Meetings of the Cabinet/individual members are open to the public (with the exception of discussion regarding reports which contain exempt/confidential information). Copies of agenda and reports for meetings are available on the website in advance of meetings. Key decisions taken by officers will not be taken at a meeting – documents listed can be made available on request to the contact officer, with the exception of those which contain exempt/confidential information.
For further details on the time of meetings and general information about the Plan please contact Stuart McKeown at County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE, or telephone 01273 481583 or send an e-mail to stuart.mckeown@eastsussex.gov.uk. For further detailed information regarding specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet, individual Member or officer please contact the named contact officer for the item concerned.
County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE
For copies of reports or other documents please contact the officer listed on the Plan or phone 01273 335274.
FORWARD PLAN – EXECUTIVE DECISIONS (including Key Decisions) –1 December 2024 TO 31 March 2025
Additional notices in relation to Key Decisions and/or private decisions are available on the Council’s website.
Cabinet membership:
Councillor Keith Glazier - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development
Councillor Nick Bennett – Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change
Councillor Penny di Cara – Lead Member for Economy
Councillor Claire Dowling – Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Councillor Carl Maynard – Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
Councillor Bob Bowdler – Lead Member for Children and Families
Councillor Bob Standley – Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Date for Decision |
Decision Taker |
Decision/Key Issue |
Decision to be taken wholly or partly in private (P) or Key Decision (KD) |
List of Documents to be submitted to decision maker |
Contact Officer |
9 Dec 2024 |
Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
School Organisation Plan 2024 to 2028 To seek Lead Member approval to publish a School Organisation Plan for the period 2024 to 2028. The School Organisation Plan sets out how East Sussex County Council (the local authority), in accordance with its statutory duty, seeks to ensure there are sufficient primary, secondary, and special school places in the right locations to meet demand. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Gary Langford 01273 481758
9 Dec 2024 |
Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School To seek a final decision on a proposal to amalgamate West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School and to change the new school’s age range to 2-11.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Gary Langford 01273 481758
10 Dec 2024 |
Annual Accounts for Lewes Charitable Trust Requirement to report annually to Cabinet in line with the current practice where the County Council is a Corporate Trustee.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Samantha McManus 01273 482080
10 Dec 2024 |
Council Monitoring: Quarter 2 To consider the Council Monitoring report for the second quarter of the financial year 2024/25 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) budget monitoring process.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Victoria Beard 07894 708914
10 Dec 2024 |
The LAC Annual Report 2023-24 Cabinet are asked to receive and consider the Annual Report for the LAC service in their role as Corporate Parents. This report will be presented on behalf of the Corporate Parenting Panel.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Kathy Marriott 01273 481274
10 Dec 2024 |
Treasury Management Annual Report and Mid-Year Report 2024 To consider a report on the review of Treasury Management performance for 2023/24 and the outturn for the first six months of 2024/25, including the economic factors effecting performance, the Prudential Indicators and compliance with the limits set within the Treasury Management Strategy.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ian Gutsell 01273 481399
16 Dec 2024 |
Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Petition - traffic management in Maplehurst Road, Hastings To consider and respond to the petition received from local residents requesting the closure of Maplehurst Road in Hastings at its junction with the A21/A28 Westfield Road junction or the introduction of access only restrictions and appropriate enforcement measures.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Jon Wheeler 01273 482212
18 Dec 2024 |
Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development
Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package - Phase 2a project change request To approve the project change request and updated business case for Phase 2a of the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Rebecca Newby 01273 336434
December 2024 |
Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Award of contract to carry out a Detailed Design for the A22 Major Road Network (MRN) corridor scheme Award of contract, following the conclusion of a procurement process, to a consultant to undertake a detailed design for the A22 MRN corridor scheme.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Clare Marten White 07513 703841
December 2024 |
Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Healthwatch and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service (IHCAS) contract Extension 2025 - 2027 The Healthwatch and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service contract comes to the end of the main contract period on 31 March 2025 and has 1 year + 1 year extension options for 2025/26 and 2026/27. Extending the contract by the full 2-year period, will enable cash releasing efficiencies to be generates whilst maintaining service stability and continuity. |
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Mark Hendriks 07701 394501
14 Jan 2025 |
Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change
Land known as Site 6, Easter Island Place, Eastbourne |
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Rebecca Lewis 07955 312371
14 Jan 2025 |
Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change
Pacific House, Eastbourne To consider and agree the proposed future asset management strategy for Pacific House, Eastbourne.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Rebecca Lewis 07955 312371
21 Jan 2025 |
Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
Recommissioning of the Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service contract The current contract to deliver drug and alcohol treatment in East Sussex ends in March 2026. This includes an allowed for 24-month extension. This request is to agree to commence the process of recommissioning this service in April 2025. The new contract will start in March 2026.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Caz Kearton-Evans 07879 117579
22 Jan 2025 |
Lead Member for Economy
Agreement to submit a proposal for East Sussex County Council to manage 'Skills Bootcamps' from April 2025 The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting East Sussex County Council (ESCC) to submit a detailed proposal in January 2025 to oversee the delivery of a programme of DfE funded Skills Bootcamps (short level 3 qualifications) to support workforce development in East Sussex in 2025/26. The County Council will be responsible for managing the programme and budget to support the priorities of the council and of Skills East Sussex. A key decision is required in relation to the ‘Skills Bootcamps’ programme to support the proposal submission in line with the ESCC Corporate Bidding Protocol.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Holly Aquilina 01323 463538
27 Jan 2025 |
Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Petition: Installation of a speed camera in Upperton Road, Eastbourne To consider a petition calling on the County Council to install a speed camera in the vicinity of the zebra crossing in Upperton Road, to monitor traffic travelling towards the town centre.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Clare Akehurst 03456 080193
28 Jan 2025 |
Scrutiny Review of Local Speed Limit Policy To consider and comment on the report of the Place Scrutiny Committee and agree the response to the recommendations of the review.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Martin Jenks 01273 481327
28 Jan 2025 |
Value For Money External Auditors Report 2023/24 Auditor's Annual (VfM) Report on East Sussex County Council 2023/24 from Grant Thornton, External Auditors.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ian Gutsell 01273 481399
28 Jan 2025 |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR): Draft Council Plan 2025/26, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme
To ask Cabinet to approve the draft Council Plan, Council Tax levels, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2025/26 for recommendation to the County Council (including Savings Proposals, Equality Impact Assessment, Engagement and Scrutiny feedback).
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Claire Lee 07523 930526
28 Jan 2025 |
Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget 2024/25 Cabinet is asked to approve the Conservators of Ashdown Forest’s core budget for 2024/25.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ian Gutsell 01273 481399
28 Jan 2025 |
Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26
To consider the Treasury Management Strategy for 2025/26. This includes setting the Prudential Indicators as set out in the Prudential Code and approving the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2025/26.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ian Gutsell 01273 481399
Between 3 Jan 2025 and 31 Jan 2025 |
Chief Operating Officer
Award of contract for Nutanix IT infrastructure solution To approve the award of contract to the recommended supplier for the supply of Nutanix IT infrastructure equipment. Nutanix is used by the council to host many of the applications it needs to carry out its daily operational tasks. The cost for this has been accounted for within the 2024/25 capital programme.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Matt Scott 07552 286752
January 2025 |
Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Recommissioning of Domestic Abuse Refuge Services The current provider has given notice on this contract and they will cease to deliver services on 31st March 2025. The decision will be for the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to award the contract to a new provider to ensure they are in place to provide continuity of service for residents within the refuges and to allow a mobilisation period for TUPE requirements to be undertaken for current staff within the service.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Caz Kearton-Evans 07879 117579
January 2025 |
Chief Operating Officer
Award of a main contractor for Hollington Youth Hub The appointed contractor will be appointed under the JCT Design & Build contract for Hollington Youth Hub. The contractor will have undergone the East Sussex County Council procurement process in order for to achieve best value for money for East Sussex County Council. Hollington Youth Hub – The proposal is to extend, reconfigure and renew the existing youth hub to increase the number of regular positive activities and clubs available to young people aged 11 to 19 (up to 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) along with Community Use when the Young People are not using the hub. This project is funded by an external funder and full planning permission will be required for this project.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Nigel Brown 07394 410630
January 2025 |
Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections Detailed Design East Sussex County Council’s Lead Member for Transport and Environment approved proceeding Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections to Detailed Design on 23 September 2024. This decision considers direct award of the Detailed Design to Arup via the CCS Framework. Arup worked on previous design work for this project, both in early stage led and managed by Hastings Borough Council, and the preliminary design and consultation in early 2024. This project has £9.754m of funding from Hastings Town Deal and £400k from the Local Growth Fund. This commission is expected to be valued at circa £700k.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ellie McDaniel 01273 335464
10 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Admission arrangements for East Sussex schools 2026-27 (determine) Following the outcome of the consultation agreed at the October 2024 meeting, the Lead Member is asked to determine the admission arrangements for 2026-27 for schools for which East Sussex County Council is the admission authority.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Ian Johnson 01273 482944
11 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change
Land parcels at the Phoenix Causeway and North Street, Lewes - Disposal of Freehold The Lead Member for Resources previously declared parcels of land to be surplus to the County Council’s operational requirements in 2018. The Council now proposes to retain some of the surplus land but dispose of its land holdings in this locality. There will be delegations to the Chief Operating Officer to finalise the detailed terms with the preferred purchaser.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Rebecca Lewis 07955 312371
20 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
East Sussex All Age Autism Action Plan The decision is to agree the content of the East Sussex Autism Action Plan. This is being led through the Autism Partnership Board. This plan will be developed following public consultation consisting of focus groups and a public survey. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Sarah Crouch 01273 481110
24 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Petition - Petition for Traffic Calming Measures on Beachy Head Road To decide on the response to the petition calling on the County Council to implement traffic calming measures on Beachy Head Road.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Michael Higgs 01273 482106
24 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Proposed implementation of a booking system at Household Waste Recycling Sites East Sussex County Council (ESCC) operate a network of 10 household waste recycling sites. Between 18 October and 22 December 2024, ESCC consulted on proposals to introduce a booking scheme at waste recycling sites. As well as helping managing queues at peak times at the busiest sites, the proposed scheme would help prevent traders brining in illegal commercial waste which is disposed of at taxpayers expense and would also ensure only East Sussex residents are accessing the sites. The Lead member will consider whether or not to implement a booking system following the conclusion of the consultation.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Anthony Pope 01273 481657
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to cease the specialist mental health community outreach service Adult Social Care is proposing to cease the specialist mental health community outreach service that supports people with dementia and their families, and instead provide support via existing universal services. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Paul Welch 07748 931426
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to reduce the funding for the Housing-Related Floating Support Service Adult Social Care is proposing to significantly reduce the funding for the Floating Support Service. The service supports people aged 16+ years with housing related needs to engage with support, preventing escalation and increased risks of homelessness or the failure to continue living independently. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation for the Floating Support Service will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposal goes ahead or not. |
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Tamsin Peart 07881 282732
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to cease the funding for Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services when the current contracts end in summer 2025 Adult Social Care is proposing to cease funding drug and alcohol recovery services when the current contracts for recovery services for carers, the street community and support networks end in the summer of 2025. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation for recovery services will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposal goes ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Caz Kearton-Evans 07879 117579
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to cease the on-site support provided at five Supported Accommodation services for adults with mental health needs and adults with additional support needs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness Adult Social Care is proposing to cease the on-site support provided at three Supported Accommodation services for adults with mental health needs and two Supported Accommodation services for adults with additional support needs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The on-site support helps residents to develop independent living and tenancy sustainment skills, and to access training, qualifications and employment, supporting people to move on to independent living. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation for Supported Accommodation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposal goes ahead or not. |
KD |
Public consultations are being carried out about the proposals. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Jill Rimmer 01323 466624
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to close the Hookstead Day Service for people with a learning disability and merge it with the St Nicholas day service Adult Social Care is proposing to close the Hookstead day service in Crowborough, and merge this with the St Nicholas day service in Lewes, or support people to access alternative services in the community. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Richard Lewis 01273 337765
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to close the Linden Court Day Service for people with a learning disability and merge it with Beeching Park day service Adult Social Care is proposing to close the Linden Court day service in Eastbourne, and merge with the Beeching Park day service in Bexhill, or support people to access alternative services in the community. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Richard Lewis 01273 337765
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to close the Steps to Work service for people with a learning disability Adult Social Care is proposing to close the Steps to Work service, including the Shine Car Wash in Lewes, and support people to access alternative services in the community. The service supports people with a learning disability to prepare for, access, and retain employment. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Richard Lewis 01273 337765
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to close the Milton Grange Day Service for older people Adult Social Care is proposing to close the Milton Grange day service for older people with a range of physical and mental health needs associated with dementia, and support people to access alternative services in the community. The proposals is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not. |
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Paul Welch 07748 931426
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to close the Phoenix Centre Day Service for older people Adult Social Care is proposing to close the Phoenix Centre day service for older people with physical and mental health needs, and support people to access alternative services in the community. The proposals is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposals go ahead or not. |
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Paul Welch 07748 931426
25 Feb 2025 |
Proposal to cease the Community Support Service for adults living independently at home and adapt the service for adults living in supported accommodation Adult Social Care is proposing to cease the Community Support Service for adults living independently at home and adapt the service for adults living in supported accommodation. The Community Support Service supports with tasks such as shopping, preparing meals, and accessing the community. If the proposal goes ahead, people living at home would be found alternative support in the community, while Supported Living services would be reconfigured so an individual's support was all provided by the accommodation based staff. The proposal is one of a number that the department has been consulting on to help close the Council’s funding gap. The results of the consultation will be shared and Cabinet will make a decision on whether the proposal goes ahead or not.
KD |
A public consultation is being carried out about the proposal. |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Richard Lewis 01273 337765
26 Feb 2025 |
Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development
East Sussex Local Growth Assurance Framework To approve the new East Sussex Local Growth Assurance Framework. This has been produced as a result of the closure of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) and is intended to provide local scrutiny, checks, balances and accountability to the public and to the UK Government.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Alex Colbran 07729 108123
4 Mar 2025 |
Transport for the South East (TfSE) - Draft Transport Strategy 2025 - 2050 - refresh To advise members of the key content of the draft consultation – TFSE Transport Strategy 2025 – 2050 and the ESCC draft response to the consultation. |
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Lisa Simmonds 03456 080190
4 Mar 2025 |
Exceat Bridge Replacement Project To provide an update on final options for the Exceat Bridge Replacement Project and agree next steps.
KD |
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Karl Taylor 01273 482207
20 Mar 2025 |
Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
East Sussex Childcare Sufficiency Duty 2025-2026 To approve the publication of the East Sussex Childcare Sufficiency Duty Report for 2025.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Jane Spice 01323 747425
31 Mar 2025 |
Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change
Write-off of Debts 2024/25 To seek Lead Member approval for writing off certain debts in excess of £10,000.
Report, other documents may also be submitted
Alina Dunn 01273 481250